Welcome to the annual Halloween Spooktacular Banner Hop for Special Needs Kids.
This is actually my first year helping out with this group and I am super excited. When I first found out about this group I jumped at the chance to help out. As some of you know or may not know I had a Daughter with special needs and she actually lost her fight with Rett Syndrome in April of 2005.
Myself and more than three dozen women who have each made at least one Halloween themed banner that will be donated to hang in the room of a medically-fragile child at Pediatric Specialty Care in Pennsylvania.
Most of these precious children are dependent on ventilators and other technology to survive. Some have been born too early or with genetic diseases or birth injuries.
Other children suffer injuries later in life that require constant care later, including brain injuries from trauma or loss of oxygen (from choking, suffocation or drowning) and spinal cord injuries.
These children and their families -- and PSC’s staff -- will be thrilled to receive the Halloween banners, to help brighten the season when their friends and siblings will be out trick-or-treating.”
Here is the banner I made that I am sending to a child at PSC:
For my banner I used Cricut Cartridges...Pretty Pennants and Ribbons & Rosettes. I also cut some Halloween pictures from some of Tim Holtz Holiday paper. I attached the letters to spell out "Boo".
I really loved doing this project, it was a labor of love knowing that a very special child would be enjoying it.
This Hop is two days (Saturday, September 1 and Sunday, September 2), and on each day you will see different banners. Be sure to visit on both days to see the truly inspirational work of these generous bloggers, and leave some love (comments) on as many sites as you can – because if you do, you can increaseyour chances to win some Spooktacular blog candy from these kind sponsors:
$25 Gift Certificate to Madge's Scrappin Lounge
$15 Shopping Spree to Scrapping With Lisa Designs
Lucy Kelleher (http://lucyk.ctmh.com) |
$10 Gift Certificate toward any CTMH product
Independent Consultant for Close to My Heart
Limited to U.S. entrants only, sorry.
http://stampinup.net/esuite/home/debiweid/ |
$10 Gift Certificate toward any Stampin' Up product
Donated by Debi Weidleman
Independent Consultant for Stampin' Up.
Limited to U.S. entrants only, sorry.
Two Cricut Cartridges ("Pretty Pennants" and "Mini Book")
Donated by Erica's Craft Room
$25 Gift Certificate to Paper Temptress
To qualify to win one of these great prizes, please leave a comment on THIS (Hop Hostess Ellen ♥ CardMonkey's) blog site and answer this question:
What was your most memorable
Halloween costume, and how old were you
In your comment, please leave a way for me to reach you if you're randomly picked to win one of the prizes! Leave additional comments (leave ♥love!) on as many banner makers’ sites as you’d like for extra chances to win!
Prize winners will be announced on Monday, September 3 on the CardMonkey site, where there will be a round-up of all of the Spooktacular banners for 2012.
Please move on your way to the next stop, which is:
Here is the full line up for today's banner makers in case you get lost or find broken links. Please don't forget to stop back tomorrow, to see more banners from a different set of 20+ wonderful women.
- Ellen ♥ CardMonkey - http://cardmonkey-business.blogspot.com/
- Sandie Dunne -http://sandieshores.blogspot.ie/search/label/banner%20hop
- Ashley - http://theglamoroussideofscrapping.blogspot.com/
- Pam - http://pammejo-scrapbookflair.blogspot.com/
- Shelly Lynn - http://kccroppers.blogspot.com/
- Doris - http://mybugandmecreate.blogspot.com/
- Janet S - http://www.ladyluvbug.blogspot.com/
- Lucy - http://love2createitall.blogspot.com/
- Jessica - http://chick-n-scrap.blogspot.com/
- Nancie - http://alittlepieceofmebynancie.blogspot.com/
- Patricia - http://blogs.papertemptress.com/
- Edwina - http://edwinascreations.blogspot.com/
- Shawnee - http://quiverofangels.blogspot.com/
- Beth - http://motherandaughterdesigns.blogspot.com/
- Susan - http://susanascorner.blogspot.com/
- Theresa ~ http://www.thescrapbookingqueen.com
- Lezlye- www.lezlyes.blogspot.com
- Robin L. ~ http://create-a-latte.blogspot.com
- Christine ~ http://thecuriouscrafter.blogspot.com/
- Scrappin Madge: http://www.thescrappinlounge.com
Thank you for stopping by today and visiting, I hope that you have enjoyed your hop with us.
Until Next Time...Happy Crafting