Happy Saturday
Welcome to this month's blog hop
The Creating Blog Hops Café
This month's theme is... Wedding or Anniversary. We have made some wonderful projects to share with you and to give some inspiration for those upcoming summer weddings.
Our Hostess for this hop is...
Robin Lane with... http://create-a-latte.blogspot.com/
Our wonderful Sponsor for this month's hop is...
Alicia with... http://goldengoddessdesigns.blogspot.com
Alicia is giving one lucky person a wonderful
wedding themed page kit from Mambi.
So, sit back and grab yourself a Latte' as we dare to amaze you with our projects.
For my project I wanted to share a few pages from my wedding album that I have been working on. I have done this album digitally which makes it so much easier and quicker, I also made the pages in 8x8 size. And since the album has about 50 pages I decided to just share a few with them.
I hope that you enjoy my album and that I have gave you some inspiration.
Your next stop will be with...
Eva Scraps with... http://evasscrapsncards.blogspot.com/
If you get lost along the way here is the entire line-up for todays hop for you to get back on track and not miss a single project.
1. Robin L. with... http://create-a-latte.blogspot.com/
2. Eva Scraps with... http://evasscrapsncards.blogspot.com/
3. Amy E. with... http://www.scrapthissavethat.com/
4. Sharon with... http://piece-ofheart.blogspot.com/
5. Miranda with... http://www.nanasscrapspot.com/
6. Alicia with... http://goldengoddessdesigns.blogspot.com/
7. Cathy with... http://cathyplus5.blogspot.com/
8. Lori with... http://scrappinmystressaway.blogspot.com/
9. Nanné with... http://nannes-creations.blogspot.com/
10. Connie with... http://conniecancrop.blogspot.com/
11. Jessica with... http://www.craftinandstampin.blogspot.com/
Thank you for hoping along with us today and I hope that we have inspired you to get your craft on.